A partial history of the quilts I've made over the past three years. More recent quilts are linked to the posts about them, so you're welcome to click on the photos for more information.

summer's light
roman tile

oh, the places you'll go

shadows and light (quilt top)

sunshine and clouds

art's quilt


city block

christmas colour study
squirrels on the tracks (subway quilt)

camilla's girly blues
beside the sea

owen's flock of geese

autumn's patchwork chevrons

shirting geese quilt for phoebe's home
I love all your quilts, but your "Roman Tile" one caught my eye the most. Beautiful work in solid fabrics, maybe I shoud try it some time.
I love Owen's Flock of Geese. Thanks so much for your help.
You are very very talented! Really enjoyed browsing! Thanks for sharing!
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