For a few months, I've been playing with ideas for interlocking blocks -- that is, a quilt designed of two or more different blocks, that, when joined together, work to make a continuous design. I love the illusion of it -- these diamonds that are really created from two simple 10" square blocks. Definitely a new challenge for me, working in shapes that demand more accuracy was tough, but it felt very rewarding to break free from my straight-edged comfort zone.
In fact, all sorts of new frontiers got explored in this quilt. I bought my first green fabric -- can you believe it?! -- , and so must beg forgiveness from the poor abused colour green for all of the harsh words over the years. You are not always pond scum.

I also tried out a new quilting pattern -- diagonal lines that intersect in the centre, and then radiate out from there. What a pleasure! Especially on a square quilt, this was really effective, and surprisingly fast given the closeness of the lines.

A few other, older quilts tagged along for the photo shoot. Both were made last year -- a log cabin quilt that I made while feeling homesick for the English seaside, and a toddler-sized subway quilt made while I was pregnant (and certain Penny was a boy) -- and have now been added to the gallery of quilts page.

The reds and blues are popping out on the grey background, so beautiful!
wow, I love them all
great job, they are beautiful
Love all the quilts. A baby sized subway! Great idea, I was reluctant to commit to a full sized one...country girl and all, no subway here. The newest quilt is fantastic. I really like the way the grey border and some of the grey blocks run into one another. Pond scum indeed...Kermit was right , it isn't easy being green. I struggle to use pink. My daughters rarely wore pink and aren't pink lovers to this day. Rambling comment, sorry, too many things came to mind all at once. Have a great day.
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