Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Blog Blog Completely Blog

I was just asked if I'd mind being featured this Friday on a blog! It's all about people participating in etsy's four day Yart sale (starting tomorrow), and will be at this website: www.theseasonalcottage.blogspot.com.
How exciting! Perhaps it will lead to the elusive first sale!
This is the item that will be featured:
It's a print of my first in the "Girl With The Alphabet Hair" series, and features Little Betsy, who read one too many books, and so alphabets have started appeared in her hair!

I'm so into the series, in fact, that I spent all day today drawing (with the exception of arguing with the horrible maintence man, who didn't seem to think that fixing the corroded hole in our water heater was 'a top priority'). So, by Friday, I should have a good range of drawings available, should anyone think to click the link to my page! I plan to upload them, at intervals, tomorrow, all tagged 'yart', as I'm hoping that's a good way to get a bit of impulse attention! We'll see...


RaspberryKidz said...

I love Little Betsy! She's adorable!