Tuesday, April 26, 2011

{mason jar lamps}

I teased you, months ago, with the promise of more from the vintage boxes that Justin's grandma gave me last December. You saw the linen tea towels, and the quilt scraps which became a giant patchwork basket. Now, after a bit of rummaging through a cupboard, I've got another little something to show you.

Three beautiful old mason jars that have been wired up, through the lids, to work as lamps.

Even more exciting, perhaps, than the jars themselves are the scraps and notions that were screwed inside. More quilt scraps, sections of lace and trim, old buttons, a wooden doo-dah -- all things, I imagine, that were cut off or left over from somebody's sewing, back when nothing was too small to save.

Only one of the three actually lights up a bulb when plugged in, but I'm hopeful that a combination of Justin, Lowe's and a few hours with a pair of pliers might fix the others. Meanwhile, I'll be getting to work on a lampshade worthy of these special jars -- watch this space!


Loreal said...

Neat! Good luck with Lowe's, Justin, and the pliers!

Jadyn said...

These are awesome! Can't wait to see what you make for lampshades!

Red Red Completely Red said...

Yes, we'll need luck, I think! Got some great plans for lampshade fabric... guess what colour?!